Awards Winers 2021
Directed by - Adam Hayes & Nick Hayes
Award winner for "The Best Fashion Film"
The Sound of Waves
Directed by - Victor Claramunt San Millán
Award winner for "The Best Director"
Flow with Life
Directed by - Adam William Wilson
Award winner for "The Best Campaign"
Directed by - Tommaso Ottomano
Award winner for "The Best Documentary"
Shadows Roses
Directed by - UMBRA Directors
Award winner for "The Best Cinematography"
Directed by - Anastasia Raykova
Award winner for "The Best Story"
SLS Dubai
Directed by - Justin Kramer & Nada Hashish
Award winner for "The Best Major Brand Production"
Directed by - Alberto Tolosa
Award winner for "The Best Actress"
Actress - Model - Alicia Lazaro
Back to Us
Directed by - Gabriele Rossi
Award winner for "The Best Music"
Poeta Semper Tiro
Directed by - Sasha Stekolenko
Award winner for "The Best Costume Design"
Looking for a new place to begin
Directed by - Henrique Sauer
Award winner for "The Best Actor- Model"
Actor - Model - Johnny Massaro
The End of Social Distancing
Directed by - Victor Claramunt San Millán
Award winner for "The Best Creative Concept"
Are You In Heaven
Directed by - Adam Hayes & Nick Hayes
Award winner for "The Best Makeup and Hair Style Design"
Bally Peak Outlook 2020 Expedition
Directed by - Samir Jung Thapa
Award winner for "The Best Message"
Lost Time
Directed by - Anna Radchenko
Award winner for "The Best Visual and Special Effects"
Quick Fix
Directed by - Annie Harmesto
Award winner for "The Best Emerging Talent"